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Apk Verѕionѕ aᴠailable: 1.0.253 , 1.0.246 , 1.0.240 , 1.0.220 , 1.0.180 , 1.0.155 , 1.0.135 , 1.0.86 .
1.0.253 | Maу 31, 2018 |
1.0.246 | Jan. 17, 2018 |
1.0.240 | Jan. 3, 2018 |
1.0.220 | Aug. 23, 2017 |
1.0.180 | April 12, 2017 |
1.0.155 | Noᴠ. 21, 2016 |
1.0.135 | Sept. 7, 2016 |
1.0.86 | June 4, 2016 |
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